Thank you to representatives of the South Carolina Governor's School for the Arts and Humanities for coming and talking to our students about careers in the arts and summer opportunities.
6 months ago, Riverside Middle School
South Carolina Governor’s School for the Arts and Humanities
Thanks to the hard work of our students, faculty, and staff, Riverside is on the rise! We are ranked two places higher this year on the 2024 School Digger Report coming in at #38 out of 325 middle schools in South Carolina. The report states, "When compared to nearby middle schools...Riverside Middle consistently outperforms them in key academic measures, making it a standout institution in the region." Go to to read more. #WeAreRiverside #OneSchoolOne Heartbeat #SmallTownBigDreams #WorkHardPlayHard
6 months ago, Riverside Middle School
According to SchoolDigger and based on the average standard student test scores on SC Ready, RMS is ranked: In the top 11.7% of middle schools in the state #38 out of 325 middle schools in the state 2 rankings higher than 2023 and 15 rankings higher than 2022 #4 out of all 19 middle schools in the Anderson-Oconee-Pickens (AOP) attendance zones With four stars
Congratulations to Mae Powell for placing 4th in the on-site painting competition at the 27th Junior National Beta Convention this past June! Her prompt was to do a still life that was set up in front of the participants and they had 90 minutes to replicate the setup. Way to represent Riverside, Mae!!!
6 months ago, Riverside Middle School
Riverside's first school-wide binder check, and we are 100% organized!
6 months ago, Riverside Middle School
Binder checks!
Binder Checks!
Binder Checks !
Binder Checks!
Binder Checks!
Riverside's Binder Hospital is up and running! Students, if you need help organizing your binder, let AVID students help you in the mornings.
6 months ago, Riverside Middle School
Binder Hospital Workers
Students getting their binders organized
Fall sports schedules have been released! Let's go, Bulldogs!
6 months ago, Riverside Middle School
Football Schedule
Volleyball Schedule
Fall sports are ramping up! Bulldogs are getting prepared!
6 months ago, Riverside Middle School
Fall Sports Weekly Schedule
We are ready with our AVID binders. #WeAreRiverside #OneSchoolOneHeartbeat #AVIDforPossibility #AVIDImpact
6 months ago, Riverside Middle School
We are ready with our AVID binders!
The Riverside Middle FFA chapter was recognized tonight by the Anderson Farm Bureau at their annual meeting. Thank you to them for their continued support.
6 months ago, Riverside Middle School
Riverside represented well at Meet the Bulldogs tonight! It's time for football!
6 months ago, Riverside Middle School
Make sure you come check out your Riverside Bulldog football team and cheerleaders as they kick off the season at Pendleton's annual "Meet the Bulldogs" TOMORROW! Gates open at 4:00pm and its fun for the whole family! Come support Pendleton's football teams and cheerleaders of all ages, grab dinner, get some autographs, and have fun!
6 months ago, Riverside Middle School
Meet the Bulldogs
Reminder to all parents of the new RMS Volleyball Team!
7 months ago, Riverside Middle School
Volleyball Meeting
We started the week off yesterday with some awesome motivational speakers. Clemson standouts Wayne Buckingham, Dale Davis, and Ricky Sapp spoke to us about dreaming big.
7 months ago, Riverside Middle School
We're excited about fall sports kicking off this week! Good luck to all our athletes. Go Bulldogs!
7 months ago, Riverside Middle School
First day of school, Riverside-style! #WeAreRiverside #OneSchoolOneHeartbeat
7 months ago, Riverside Middle
First day of school
First day of school
First day of school
First day of school
First day of school
First day of school
First day of school
First day of school
First day of school
First day of school
The new school year starts tomorrow, and we have some new staff members on campus! Please help us welcome Timothy Hoover, Jennifer Murphy, Harriet Murry, Kayla Ramos, McKinley Sellers, and Jeff Terry ! #WeAreRiverside #OneSchoolOneHeartbeat
7 months ago, Riverside Middle
Timothy  Hoover
Jennifer Murphy
Harriet Murry
Kayla Ramos
McKinley Sellers
Jeff Terry
Tools for School in Clemson on Aug. 2 at 4:00 pm.
7 months ago, Riverside Middle School
Attention: RMS students interested in RMS Football tryouts. If you have questions or concerns, please email Coach Durham at
7 months ago, Riverside Middle School
football tryouts
Attn: Bulldog Volleyball Hopefuls!
7 months ago, Riverside Middle School
Basketball conditioning at RMS is canceled for the remainder of the summer. Be on the lookout for information regarding future RMS basketball updates.
7 months ago, Riverside Middle School